There are several options for parking near the University Hospital of Antwerp (UZA). UZA, a teaching hospital that offers a variety of medical services including critical care as well as treatment for severe pathologies and diseases, is located in Antwerp. It is also involved with medical research and clinical trial, making it an important hub in the medical field. Mobypark offers affordable and convenient parking near UZA to make your trip more convenient.
Location of UZA
Near the Drie Eikenstraat, the UZA is situated on the border of Wilrijk and Edegem. The UZA is easily accessible via car, bike, or bus. Parking can be difficult, especially at peak times when the hospital is busy. It's best to plan ahead to avoid any hassles.
Parking near UZA
Near UZA, there are several options for parking. There is a hospital parking lot, but it's expensive and can quickly fill up during rush hours. A few public parking lots are nearby but can be expensive and require a walk to the hospital. Mobypark is a better alternative to finding a parking space close to the hospital for a fraction the price.
Mobypark Parking
Mobypark provides affordable and convenient parking near UZA. You can reserve a parking space in advance, allowing you to focus on your hospital appointment and not the hassle of parking. Our partnership with businesses and property owners allows us to provide safe and secure parking in convenient locations. Parking spots at our parking lots are usually cheaper than public or on-site parking. This makes it an economical choice.
Why Choose Mobypark?
Mobypark has several advantages over alternative parking options. Our parking spaces are in a safe and secure location. Our service is simple to use and allows you to reserve parking in just a couple of clicks. We offer transparent and affordable pricing so that you are not surprised by any hidden charges. Our parking lots are located near UZA so you can arrive on time to your appointment.
Parking near UZA is a challenge. With Mobypark it's not. We offer affordable and convenient options for parking nearby so you can focus on your hospital appointment instead of worrying. Our partnership with businesses and property owners allows us to provide safe and secure parking at a fraction the cost of public or on-site parking. Mobypark is the perfect parking solution for your next visit to UZA.