Doornakkers-West, also known as Tongelre in Eindhoven's province of Noord-Brabant, is a neighbourhood. It is located in the Oud Tongelre district, east of Eindhoven Centrum. The area is listed as one of the 40 most problematic neighborhoods by Minister Vogelaar.
The Eindhovensch Kanaal, Jeroen Boschlaan and Eindhovens-Weert railway lines border Doornakkers West. Doornakkers-West is separated from Doornakkers-Oost by the President Steynstraat, and the Generaal Bothastraat. The first plan of the residential area dates from the late 1930s. It was loosely based upon a global design created by urban planner J.L. de Casseres. The development of the Casseres was completed only after World War II, except for a small portion.
The neighborhood is divided into two main axes, which run east-west. The upper axis consists of the Paul Krugerlaan, the Jan van Riebeecklaan and the Sint Josephlaan. The neighborhood was built on the basis of a global structure plan, which indicated only the main roads and housing blocks. The neighborhood has a strong variety of character because it was constructed piece by piece and adapted to changing needs over time. The neighborhood is a good example of a reconstruction neighbourhood, built according to Wijkgedachte. It was hierarchically organized with the important (commercial), schools and the now-vanished, church located along the main streets and open spaces. Tongelresestraat is the only part built before 1930. It runs through the northern portion of the neighbourhood. Along the Eindhovensch Kanaal in the south there are industries.
Doornakkers are characterized by their unique design.