Bloemenbuurt-West, a neighborhood in The Hague's Bomen- en Bloemenbuurt area, is a densely populated area with 4,518 addresses per km2 and 1,070 households. It is densely populated with 14,670 residents and an average of 4.218 address per km2. There are also 1,070 households. Akeleistraat is a popular street in the area. The neighborhood is known for having a relatively high cost-of-living, with an annual average rent of 1146 Euros and 81m2 of average rental property size. Apartments are the most common type of housing in this neighborhood, accounting for 81% of all dwellings. Rooms account for 13%, and houses make up 6%. The crime rate is low in this neighborhood, with only 1,043 crimes reported from 2012 to 2020 and 8 traffic accidents between 2013 and 2020.
Bloemenbuurt West can be difficult to park, especially at peak times. Mobypark is here to help, with our aim of making parking in urban areas more accessible and affordable. Users can search parking spaces on our platform by location, price and space type, including whether they are covered or not. We hope that by connecting people who need parking to those who have extra space, we can reduce traffic and the number of cars in the streets.
Mobypark offers guaranteed parking without hassle. Our platform allows users to reserve parking spots in advance. This saves them time and effort once they arrive at their destination. Our reservations are also fast and pre-paid, so users can skip the line and continue with their day. By booking with Mobypark users can save up to 60% on standard parking rates. If plans change, you can cancel free up to one day before your arrival.
Bloemenbuurt West is a vibrant neighborhood in The Hague with a variety of housing options. It also has a low crime rate. Mobypark is a simple and affordable parking solution that guarantees parking spaces and saves users up to 60% on standard parking rates. Parking in urban areas is easy with our prepaid, fast reservations.