Bos en Lommer is a neighborhood located within Amsterdam Nieuw-West district in the Netherlands. Up until 2010, this neighborhood existed independently, but has since been subsumed into its larger counterpart. Bos en Lommer was previously separated into its own district until 2010. Today it borders to the north by Haarlemmerweg and south by Jan van Galenstraat; east by Central Market Hall; western by Ringspoorbaan; Einsteinweg cuts through this neighborhood as part of Ringweg A10; Bos en Lommer boasts one park called Erasmus Park built during 1960s but then revised majorly in 1990s after extensive refurbishment work was completed - complete with major renovation complete in 1990s completion!
Bos en Lommer has long been linked with the Westelijke Tuinsteden (Western Garden Cities). Beginning in the 1920s and 1930s, traditional closed block buildings were constructed along Admiraal de Ruijterweg near Admiraal de Ruijter. Starting in late 1930s Landlust experimented with strip construction; this continued in 1940s while after World War II part of this neighborhood (known as Kolenkitbuurt) was developed further; Bos en Lommer was complete by 1950s.
Bos en Lommer streets are named for members of the Dutch royal family, sea heroes, sea battles and historical books and plays. This neighborhood primarily features midrise buildings (four stories) with some low rise buildings as well. High-rise developments can be found near Bos en Lommerplein near tower flats near metro lines as well as in Laan van Spartaan which includes ringspooorbaan, Jan van Galenstraat A10 Erasmusgracht which feature streets named after past sports heroes; notable buildings include former Pnielkerk also known as Theelichtje - now Podium Mozaiek theater.
Mobypark provides affordable and convenient parking solutions in Bos en Lommer for residents and visitors alike. Through our platform, it's easy to reserve and find spots in nearby garages or on the street so you don't waste time searching. So whether it's running errands, visiting friends, or simply exploring your surroundings; with Mobypark it's effortless parking: our user-friendly app and website allow you to reserve spots without leaving your car!