Moerwijk West is a neighborhood of The Hague, which is part of Escamp. Wateringse Veld is the neighborhood's border. It also borders Morgenstond. Moerwijk West was constructed before and after World War II. Willem Dudok was the architect who designed the urban plan.
Moerwijk West is a multicultural neighborhood with a population of many different ethnicities. In 2009, the neighborhood had 49% allochtonen residents, but by 2018, this number rose to 75%. The neighborhood is designed around a central square called Erasmusplein and four smaller zones, each of which has different amenities, such as shopping centers, schools, parks and churches. Around the Heeswijkplein, and on the Betje Wolfstraat were the two biggest shopping centers.
Over the years, there have been many renovations, sloops, and new building plans in this neighborhood. Many of the corner shops in Moerwijk West were converted to housing during the 1990s. In an effort to consolidate the larger shopping centers, the municipality also demolished smaller shopping centres. In the 2000s several housing associations had plans to demolish much of Moerwijk West and build new housing that was more diverse. These plans have often been thwarted by a lack in funding and the downturn of the housing market.
Moerwijk West remains a vibrant, diverse and lively neighborhood despite its challenges. Mobypark helps residents and visitors to find convenient and affordable parking. Mobypark allows users to reserve parking spots in advance. This saves time and energy by avoiding the need to search for a space on the street. Mobypark also offers affordable prices for people who park regularly in their neighborhood.
Moerwijk West is a dynamic and diverse neighborhood with a rich past. It has been a lively and vibrant community despite some renovations and construction challenges. Mobypark makes parking as simple and affordable as it can be. We strive to provide residents and visitors with affordable and convenient parking options, so they can make the most out of their stay in Moerwijk West.